I bought this movie because i have fallen in love with the chinese kung-fu comedy horror flick. Mr. Vampire was the first i have seen of this genre of movie and still my favorite. but it has to be the megastar version (because the english dub is freakin' hilarious). i sought out this movie after seeing a preview for it from a wu-tang flick i had. it looked pretty amusing. so i bought it. let's get one thing straight i didn't buy this because i thought it had anything to do with 5 venoms or wu-tang i bought it for cheesy kung-fu comedy with hopping vampires. this movie had some serious potential to be an awesomely funny flick, but the baby zombie ruins the whole movie. the baby zombie cries for it's mommy for like 10 minutes straight and when some kids discover it they try and help it but it never tries to kill them. man!!! zombies are supposed to be fierce!!! no matter what age, no matter what culture. lame!!! then the mommy and baby zombie get reunited and live happily ever after...was this movie made for kids? cause that is the vibe i got from it. a few laughs but nothing worth salvaging. as for venom warrior. the movie is really just called "the warrior". it seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the poison clan, but for me i found this movie less annoying. it is about a dancer who wants to move to the u.s. to dance, but these gangsters keep trying to set him up to fight in their tournament. it is amusing to see this queer dancin' dude completely knockin' people out.
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